GAI Hub Privacy Policy

Go-Ahead Ireland (“Go-Ahead Ireland”, “we”, “us” or “our”), which owns and operates the software application GAI Hub™ App and/or software (the “App”), understands and respects that you are entitled to personal privacy. This statement summarizes Go-Ahead’s Privacy Policy regarding the collection of information through the App and the use of that information.

Personal Information Collected

In order to use the App you must create a GAI Hub™ account. You can create an account by entering your name, email address and Go-Ahead Ireland Employee ID and creating a password. You can also create an account by registering through certain third-party social networking or integrated services, such as Facebook Connect and Google (“Integrated Service”). If you create an account using an Integrated Service, or associate your GAI Hub™ account with an Integrated Service, we may collect information from the Integrated Service, including your first and last names, your email address, your cell phone number and your profile picture. The information we receive will depend on the terms of the Integrated Service and your privacy settings. In order to access certain features of the App, you will also need to provide your Go-Ahead Ireland Employee identification number.

Go-Ahead Ireland may collect and use technical data and related information, including, but not limited to your IP address and technical information about your desktop or mobile device, system and application software and peripherals, that is gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of software updates, product support and other services to you related to the App. Go-Ahead Ireland may also gather demographic and other information provided by you, and aggregated information and information regarding how and when you use and access the App. Go-Ahead Ireland may use this information, as long as it is in a form that does not personally identify you, to improve its software or to provide services or technologies to you.

Go-Ahead Ireland will install memory based cookies to support user authentication and identification while using the App, and to support technical monitoring of the App. It may be possible to refuse to accept cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your browser or device, but if you reject cookies you may not be able to utilize all of the functionality of the App.

Children's Privacy

We believe that protecting the privacy of children is very important. In accordance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), we do not knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of 13. If we discover we have received any information from a child under the age of 13 in violation of this policy we will delete that information immediately. If you believe that Go-Ahead Ireland has any information from or about anyone under the age of 13, please contact us at the contact points specified below.

How We May Use Personal Information

Go-Ahead Ireland uses the personal information we collect in order to provide you with App services and features, to communicate with you regarding enhancements or changes to the App, to conduct voluntary surveys to help us improve the App, to respond to your questions or comments about the App, and to deliver informational communications to you about Go-Ahead Ireland, unless you choose to opt out of receiving such materials. Go-Ahead Ireland may also use personal information for business purposes such as security, analytics, operations, fraud detection and prevention, reporting, making back-ups and legal compliance.

How We May Share Personal Information

Go-Ahead Ireland may share personal information with its affiliates and third parties who perform support services on Go-Ahead Ireland’s behalf such as data hosting, data processing and analytics. These affiliates and service providers will be contractually restricted from using your personal information for any other purpose. Go-Ahead Ireland will also disclose your personal information when it believes it is required or permitted by law.

What We Won’t Do with Personal Information

Go-Ahead Ireland recognizes the trust you place in us by sharing your information. In furtherance of that relationship, please note that Go-Ahead Ireland will never sell or rent information, will not engage in targeted advertising based on personal information and won’t disclose student personal information, except as provided by law.

‘Do Not Track’ Setting

We do not support the Do Not Track (DNT) browser setting. DNT is a preference you can set in your browser’s settings to let the websites you visit know that you do not want the websites collecting your personal information. However, we do not track your online activities over time and across third-party websites or online services.


By using the App or providing us with personal information, you agree that we may collect, use and disclose your personal information for the purposes described in this statement or otherwise at the time of collection. You may withdraw your consent to our collection, use and disclosure of personal information at any time, subject to contractual and legal restrictions and reasonable notice. However, if you withdraw consent to certain necessary uses and disclosures we may no longer be able to provide you with certain App services or features.


Go-Ahead Ireland follows reasonable security procedures and practices, in accordance with industry standards, to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure. For example, Go-Ahead Ireland uses secure socket layer (SSL) encryption to protect personal information you submit to us through the App

Cross-Border Transfer

Go-Ahead Ireland may store and process your personal information in any country where we have facilities or in which we engage service providers, and, by using the App, you consent to the transfer of information to countries outside of your country of residence, including the United States, which may have different data protection rules than those of your country.

Access to or Correction of Personal Information

The file containing your personal information will be maintained on our servers or those of our affiliates or service providers, and will be accessible by our authorized employees and agents who require access for the purposes described in this statement. If you would like to request access to, or correction of, your personal information, you may write to us using the contact information below.

Changes to this Policy

From time to time, Go-Ahead Ireland may make changes to its Privacy Policy in order to accommodate new technologies, industry practices, regulatory requirements or for other purposes. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy statement periodically to ensure that you understand how we use, share and protect information. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will become effective when the revision is posted on our website or App. By continuing to use the App following such changes, you are agreeing to accept the terms of the revised Privacy Policy.

Data Deletion – Facebook Connect

If you want to delete your activities for Facebook Connect Login App, you can remove your information by following these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Account’s Setting & Privacy. Click “Settings”
  2. Look for “Apps and Websites” and you will see all the apps and websites you linked with your Facebook.
  3. Search and Click “GAI Hub” in the search bar.
  4. Scroll and click “Remove”.
  5. Congratulations, you have successfully removed your app activities.

Data Deletion – Account Deletion

If you want to fully delete all personal data collected, then use the “Delete Account” button in the app.

  1. Select “Profile” from the menu item
  2. Select “Delete Account”
  3. You will be presented with a dialog message “Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account”
  4. Select “Delete”

Once this action is taken, all personal data collected will be permanently deleted from our database.

How to Contact Us?

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy statement or our use of your information, or if you would like to request access to or correction of your personal information, visit us at this page on our website:

Special Notice

Effective Date of this version of GAI Hub™ App Privacy Policy: February 1, 2023